
  • Security Reference

    Application/Product Security Reference

    This repository is a collection of materials, documents, and insights gathered from my personal experiences in application and product security. It serves as a knowledge base, providing various documents and guidelines that span numerous aspects of application and product security.

  • OpenAI Assistant

    OpenAI Speech-to-Text Assistant

    This project is a speech-to-text interface that integrates with OpenAI's ChatGPT using the updated API. It allows users to interact with ChatGPT through spoken language, converting speech to text, querying ChatGPT, and receiving verbal responses.

  • Documentation Generator

    Documentation Generator

    The Documentation Generator is a Python script that utilizes OpenAI's GPT-3 API to generate documentation based on user input. This versatile tool allows you to quickly create various types of documents, from security policies and incident response plans to user manuals and technical guides.

  • Secure Coding Guidelines Generator

    Secure Coding Guidelines Generator

    The Secure Coding Guidelines Generator is a Python script that leverages OpenAI's GPT-3 API to generate secure coding guidelines for different programming languages and frameworks. It assists developers in writing secure code from the start by providing tailored guidelines.

  • AI-Fuzzer


    AI-Fuzzer is a Python-based web application fuzzing tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to generate intelligent payloads aimed at testing web applications for vulnerabilities. This tool not only spiders web applications to discover all accessible endpoints, but also uses the responses from these endpoints to tailor subsequent fuzzing attacks, making the fuzzing process dynamic and context-aware.

  • Site Checker

    Site Checker

    The Site Checker script is a Python tool designed to gather various information about a list of hostnames provided in a text file.

  • File Encryptor/Decryptor

    File Encryptor/Decryptor

    This Python program provides secure file encryption and decryption functionalities using symmetric cryptography. It employs the Fernet scheme from the cryptography library, which is built on top of AES in CBC mode with a 128-bit key for encryption, and uses HMAC with SHA256 for authentication.

  • Annotate Script with OpenAI

    Annotate Script

    Python script that uses OpenAI's GPT-3 API to automatically generate concise comments and annotations for a Python script. The script inserts comments only where there are no existing comments, and it adds a summary at the top of the script before the import statements.

  • README Generator with OpenAI

    README Generator

    This script leverages OpenAI to generate a comprehensive README file by analyzing a given code. The README includes an overview section, installation instructions, usage instructions, additional notes or warnings, and a brief section on how to contribute to the script.

  • Programming Helper

    Programming Helper

    Programming Helper is a Python script that uses the OpenAI GPT-3 model to provide answers to programming-related questions along with code examples. It assists developers in finding explanations and code snippets for their programming queries.

  • Password Generator

    Password Generator

    This Python program generates a secure, NIST-compliant password based on user preferences for length, inclusion of uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Clickjacking Checker

    Clickjacking Checker

    This script checks if a given website is vulnerable to clickjacking attacks. It attempts to frame the target website in an HTML file and uses a WebDriver to capture a screenshot. If no WebDriver is found, it falls back to manual inspection and offers guidance for alternative testing methods.

  • Word Art Generator

    Word Scatter Art Generator

    This Python script generates an image with a unique pattern of words. It utilizes the PIL library for image manipulation and the random library for randomization. The script arranges a list of predefined words on a transparent background image, placing them at random positions with varying rotation angles and sizes, ensuring no overlap.

  • GIF Maker

    GIF Maker

    A simple and efficient Python script that takes a series of images from a specified directory and compiles them into a single GIF animation

  • Brew Setup

    Brew Setup

    This Bash script automates the installation of Homebrew, packages, and casks on macOS. It's particularly useful for setting up a development or testing environment, especially for security professionals who require specific packages for their work.

  • Image to Video Converter

    Image to Video Converter

    This Python script allows you to create a video by combining multiple images from a folder. The script reads image files (with supported extensions) from the "images" folder and converts them into a video.

  • Video to GIF Converter

    Video to GIF Converter

    This Python script allows you to convert a video from the "videos" folder into a GIF file. You can choose the video to convert and specify the start time for the GIF conversion.

  • Favicon Generator

    Favicon Generator

    This Python script ( allows you to generate standard favicon images (favicon.ico, apple-touch-icon.png, favicon-16x16.png, favicon-32x32.png) from an input image. It can be helpful for creating favicons for your website or web application.

  • Gather System Information


    This script ( is designed for Unix/Linux systems to collect various system information. It's a convenient tool for system administrators, security professionals, or IT enthusiasts.

  • Web Keylogger JS


    This JavaScript script is designed for educational purposes to demonstrate how data can be captured from web forms and sent to a server in real-time. It attaches listeners to all form elements on a webpage.


    One of many sites I helped create and host for a friend. The site uses netlify and github with a modified Hugo theme. Let me know if you need help creating a similar site.